Eleanor Mackenzie:
Online Holistic Health Coach

Supporting women to tackle their health and wellness holistically: get ready for a healthier and happier you!


Take the first step in your journey HERE:

What is holistic health?

Holistic health is an approach that considers the health and wellbeing of an individual as a whole. It includes physical, emotional & mental, social and spiritual health. Coaching With Eleanor helps support you to address these wider aspects of your health and wellness, alongside an exercise and nutrition plan, leading to a healthier and happier you.

Coaching With Eleanor

Exclusive Membership

+  Exclusive Access to My Holistic Coaching App
+  Personalised Monthly Health
+ Wellness Programme

   *Includes Workouts and Nutrition Planning
+  1:1 Messenger Chat
+  Weekly In-App Check-Ins
+  Habit Tracking

+  Affirmations, Support, and Tailored Resources

*90 days minimum commitment

Eleanor Mackenzie

Hi girl, welcome to a safe space! My goal is to help YOU elevate your health and life through a holistic and balanced approach.

My journey began when I was 18 and joined the gym to try and improve my health and fitness, after years of hating sport at school. I didn’t know much about training and stuck to the same routine and boring cardio machines. Meanwhile, my diet was inconsistent and I didn’t make much progress… At 19, I started working with a Personal Trainer who introduced me to weight lifting, and I began to realise that exercise could and should be enjoyable! There are so many types of exercise out there, and I just needed to find the right training plan for me. However, my diet still needed work, and I spiralled into a disordered and restrictive relationship with food, with the aim of ‘toning up’. What I didn’t know was that toning up simply means building muscle and losing fat, and this can be achieved without restrictions!

Over the last few years I have spent time educating myself on the importance of balance and a holistic approach to health & wellness in order to achieve my goals. I have now developed a healthy relationship with exercise, gained food freedom and my self-confidence has soared! I have also gained first class BSc Psychology and MSc Health Psychology degrees, which have taught me just how important the link between physical and mental health is.

After all this personal growth, and years of sharing my fitness, health and self love tips to women on social media, I decided I wanted to offer a more personal touch to other like-minded women. So, I became an Online Holistic Health Coach to help support women to achieve their goals, through a balanced, sustainable approach that they enjoy sticking to!

Find your perfect programme

A holistic health coaching plan designed to help you elevate your physical & mental health.  This premiere package is designed with a full-spectrum approach to wellness.  It includes your personalised workout plan, a custom meal plan, a monthly video call together, weekly check-ins through my platform, daily habit tracking, newsletter access, and all of the affirmations and support you need to reach your goals through my 1:1 in-app chat.
A training & nutrition plan designed to enhance your curves and build strong glutes. This offer is designed especially for the women who are looking for a unique and personalised programme with custom workouts and meal plans, daily habit tracking, weekly check-ins through my platform, and access to my 1:1 in-app chat.
A training plan designed to help you build a sustainable exercise routine & feel energised about your health & fitness. This custom programme focuses on exercise exclusively, offering you a custom workout plan, daily habit tracking, weekly check-ins through my platform, and access to my 1:1 in-app chat.
Coaching With Eleanor App

Personalised workout routines delivered via the app.